Approach to Supporting IT System Projects Portals:
The use of a single point of entry simplifies the searching component of research. The consolidation of research through a portal reduces the time and effort that is involved when searching fore information on the Web. A customized “Web-like” interface specific to the area of interest of the user with ability to set boundaries on the search criteria to avoid digressing from the primary goal of the research.
Consolidated Database:
An efficient and customized system geared to service the research community with the machine intelligence to search outside of its realm when the search “hits a brick wall.” To support database activity, the creation and enforcement of a robust set of application architecture standards that address: (1) Data access methods, (2) Data distribution, (3) Transaction size, and (4) Minimal software diagnostics capabilities.
Since the volume of data will be large and grow exponentially, the entire data storage system will be implemented utilizing Storage Area Network (SAN) technology. SAN will allow a seamless expansion of the data storage and would also provide faster access to the data from the high-powered front-end computing processors. In addition, the computing platform will be a combination of clustered high end CPUs and implement the best of breed approach.
Problem Solving Software:
Utilize the existing array of Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) software with minimal customization and interface with prevalent systems that are accessible via the Internet. Where necessary, custom “glue” software will be developed by software developer teams.
Construct a network fabric that has the intelligence to know the shortest route to the data and to establish a system that is intelligent enough to detect duplicate endeavors in the research field. This fabric will utilize (1) Quality of Service, (2) Secure Policy-Based Routing, and (3) Directory Enabled Networks infrastructure concepts. The network fabric will also be implemented in best of breed fashion. This is essential considering the amount of data being moved and the need for a distributed computing environment to process the data for meaningful results. |