Arun Gurjale - HeadShot

Arun K. Gurjale, CEO, Vision Networks Inc.

Mr. Gurjale is a versatile telecommunications and system engineer with over 30 years of experience in systems integration, which encompasses mainframes to minicomputers and the modern microcomputers. In the last ten years he has dedicated his efforts at the U.S. Department of Justice integrating IT technology and software applications in support of critical legal projects. Mr. Gurjale’s career started off at the National Aeronautical Laboratory, Bangalore, India, where he lead team of 10 engineers in aerodynamic research, specializing in boundary layers and shock wave interaction. This necessitated the establishment of a computing facility and he was among the early design engineers that brought computers to India. He was a key member of the group that established India’s first computing center at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, which started off with two PDP 11 computers and later brought in a DEC 1090 system. Over the years the center grew to where it housed a VAX farm and an IBM 3090 system. He was responsible for design and implementation of the telecommunications infrastructure that supported the Computational Fluid Mechanics group at the National Aeronautical Laboratory, Bangalore, India. In addition to establishing a computational infrastructure for fluid mechanics he was also responsible for building a complete low speed wind tunnel facility consisting of four wind tunnels that were tailored to conduct research in specific areas of aerodynamics. Before coming over the USA in 1981, he was involved in a modernization project of India’s flight-testing laboratory and in the early design stages of India’s strategic missile system named Rohini. In the USA he has been associated with several IT projects that cover agencies like the US Army, US Navy, the Commonwealth of Virginia, The Jones Institute in Norfolk, VA, the U.S. Department of Justice, Sprint International, AT&T, Telstra of Australia and China Telecom, to name just a few. In all these agencies he was responsible for implementing the telecomm infrastructure. In particular, for China and Vietnam, he was part of the Global One team that established the Internet infrastructure for these countries. He has an in-depth understanding of the fundamentals that drive a telecommunications infrastructure. His training in research has given him the ability to take a very scientific and structured approach to solving problems. His forte is solving problems and making things happen.

Professional Certifications



Technical Papers
• Shock-boundary layer interaction in wind tunnel nozzle designs, Indian Aeronautical Journal, December 1974.
• Non-equilibrium boundary layers – a study to determine eddy structure, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, February 1976
• Computational methods for determining the dynamic stability of basic aerodynamic 2-D shapes, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, June 1976
• Preparation of several Proposals and Request for Proposals
• An enterprise design for modernizing the computing systems at US Department of Justice, Criminal Division, December 1993

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